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A medical guide to different types of seizures

This story was posted by our Connection ECA and has an online guide of the varying types of different seizures. Many people are not aware of the varying types of seizures and we hope to address that.

"The different types of seizures, how they occur, the symptoms experienced AND the medical definitions... well, it can be a maze for people to navigate. ECA is releasing a basic breakdown of current definitions for seizures with both medical definitions and visual guides to help people find out information in real terms they can understand and relate to. We will go through each type of seizure - with medical information specific to the type - and provide an information poster on that exact seizure classification as an easy guide that can be copied / printed for future reference (especially for kids). We hope to provide an easy to access reference table for people to use and gauge their symptoms related to possible seizure types. "

(Quote: ECA foundation)

We hope that by offering this link to an easy to understand, simply guide to the major forms of seizures that are experienced - both people with the condition seeking information and others who may have misconceived ideas alike can find the facts.

*Series also has a story on Epilepsy Medications and how they work

Follow the below link to the story "SEIZURE TYPES: THE BASICS":

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